Curriculum Vitae
Little bit of info about me....
I have been coding various things for about 25 years, always something related to embedded systems.
Strong expertise is my asset; I can model an idea into code quite well.
I would primarily like to work through my own company, but I can also be an employee.
Recently, I have been working with Python, creating backends for services like and, and I have implemented the frontend using a PHP+JavaScript combination. The devices communicate with each other using the ZMQ messaging library.
(Update 2025)..After a while I’ve let my self to get introduced to Dart/Flutter, and I’ve redone the services with Dart & Flutter. The combination is great for any app, you get binaries fro all the platforms, even for Mac 😀 ..One code and all platforms supported => better software quality across the plaforms, cause you dont have to fix the same issue in many places!
I would gladly work in Southern Finland or within the EU, for example in Germany or France.
I have also worked abroad for a while; I spent about six months working in Germany, which has left me with the thought of going to work abroad.
The idea is that the physical location of the workplace should not dictate my own location too much.
My situation is such that I am on a partial disability pension because I stressed too much about work.
This means that I can indeed work, up to a certain limit.
The limit is defined by a salary cap; for me, that cap is about €2560 per month.
Distribution of working hours:
I can work 6 hours a day, four days a week.
Rate: €26.50 per hour or €2560 per month.
BUT if you still want to hire me as a full-time employee, that is also possible; in that case:
My salary request is about €90,000 per year.
This would make the hourly rate approximately €47 per hour.
I am willing to relocate for work, even abroad.